5 tips on how to increase your Pinterest traffic

Pinterest could be referred to as the underdog of the social media platforms. If Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are your main go-to sites then you are missing out on the power of Pinterest. If you already have a Pinterest account or are just starting up, then take a look at these quick and easy steps on how to increase your Pinterest engagement.

1.       Keep up to date with Trends

Whether it’s that new movie that just came out, a new interior movement or a new runway look you have spotted, keeping in the loop with the latest trends will attract new followers. If you have a pin or a board that fits into the newest trendy topics then you have more of a chance of traffic on your account.  


2.      The more boards, the better!

You will soon learn that the accounts with the most traffic and engagement on Pinterest have boards on top of more boards, you can never have too many! With all this said and done, be clever with what boards you are creating. The more niche they are the more chance of a larger engagement you will get from your target audience. Be sure that your boards are organised, no one likes a messy blog! Seasons come and go, so make sure you are moving your boards about with the seasons, with the most relevant ones at the top!



3.      Keywords

Keywords are a great way to allow Pinterest users to find the content they desire. Keywords can be very useful for attracting a niche audience, so make sure you are specific and clever with what words you choose to use. Don’t use keywords that aren’t relevant to your pin, this will attract the wrong target audience and damage your engagement. Updating your images with trendy keywords can also attract users to engage with pins from the past.


4.      Research your Pinterest analytics

Pinterest analytics is one of the newest and interesting features. With this feature you’re able to see what pins and boards are working and what isn’t so you can continuously improve on your account, so set yourself targets each week and watch your analytics increase along with your traffic. 

5.      Be consistent with your pins

Any successful social media accounts will have at least one post a day, Pinterest is no different. Many bloggers and pinners state that 5-30 a day is a good number for keeping your followers engaged and increasing traffic. Uks top pinner Jen Stanbrook states that “it’s highly unlikely that you need to pin anything more than 50 a day. In fact, Tailwind suggest that over 50 a day and you’re damaging your account”. So, in this case, less is more, count your pins or count your blessings!

With all this said and done, Pinterest is still a social media platform, so be creative, socialise and engage with other users and don’t forget to have fun!

Make sure to follow us on Pinterest, Instagram , Facebook and Twitter and check out our website to find out more about zero2one and our social media management packages.