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Power Pinning

We’re all huuuge fans of Pinterest here in the office, both for work purpose and personally. Roxanne is currently busy scouring the internet for mood boards to inspire the makeover she’s running on her dad’s home, while Anja frequently pins ‘industrial-chic’ homewares that she’d love to fill her East London flat. Lucy has boards dedicated to her love of all things wacky and comic online, while my boards offer a wealth of inspiration for the posts I regularly put together over on my own blog.

Given our communal love of this social media platform we wanted to share just a few of our tops tips for curating your boards on Pinterest.

1. It shouldn’t all be me, me, me!

Pinterest discourages users from using the site for blatant self-promotion, and the community instead looks for content that is engaging and inspiring without continually pushing the same products or brands to the forefront. Be sure to mix in inspiring lifestyle imagery, funny or poignant quotes, and complimentary products from other retailers to present a well-rounded and socially-engaged representation of your brand.

2. A picture is worth a thousand words

Unlike Twitter, and to a large extent Facebook, Pinterest lends itself to visual storytelling. Photography transcends the language barrier, and people are far more inclined to glance at an image and respond to it, rather than taking the time to commit to reading a paragraph description. The more varied the imagery you pin, the more likely it is that the overall feel of your boards will resonate with your customers.

3. Everyone loves a human touch

Most large corporations are viewed as just that; out of touch with the general public. Your customers would love to see the people behind the brand and put a human face on the companies that they buy from. We don’t just mean adding photographs of you and your team – although this is a great idea! Consider creating boards that solely promote the things that you and your team love as individuals, from TV shows to favourite recipes.

4. Experiment with gifs and videos

A major misconception about Pinterest is that it’s only for photos. Users can also pin gifs and videos meaning that the content you post can be even more engaging and dynamic. While a picture can be glanced over an dismissed, a video demands more time is spent watching and absorbing the information. We love the idea of behind-the-scenes photo shoot videos and interviews with designer/makers of products for increasing the involvement of your customer in your brand’s ethos.

If you’d like to keep up to date with us on Pinterest, you can find us here.


How useful did you find these pointers? Are there any more that you think we’ve left out? Let us know by tweeting @zero2onepr. We’d love to hear what you think!

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